HTML5 & CSS3 in The Real World
HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World is ideal for any web designer or developer who wants to start using the latest generation of web technologies in their everyday work.
This book will teach you how to:
- understand the new semantic markup available in HTML5
- use CSS3 to make sites beautiful without sacrificing clean markup or resorting to complex workarounds
- employ native HTML5 video and audio in your pages
- use web fonts to enrich a site’s typography
- make web applications accessible using WAI-ARIA
- make the most of the new HTML form elements.
This easy-to-follow guide is illustrated with lots of examples, and leads readers through the process of creating great websites from start to finish using HTML5 and CSS3. It also features:
- details on all the new HTML5 and CSS3 elements and features
- information on the current level of browser support
- advice for creating great experiences for all users thanks to progressive enhancement.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introducing HTML5 and CSS3
Chapter 2. Markup, HTML5 Style
Chapter 3. More HTML5 Semantics
Chapter 4. HTML5 Forms
Chapter 5. HTML5 Audio and Video
Chapter 6. Introducing CSS3
Chapter 7. CSS3 Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds
Chapter 8. CSS3 Transforms and Transitions
Chapter 9. Embedded Fonts and Multicolumn Layouts
Chapter 10. Geolocation, Offline Web Apps, and Web Storage
Chapter 11. Canvas, SVG, and Drag and Drop
Appendix A. Modernizr
Appendix B. WAI-ARIA
Appendix C. Microdata
Book Details
- Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: SitePoint (May 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0980846900
- ISBN-13: 978-0980846904