Complete Maya Programming, Volume II

David Gould’s acclaimed first book, Complete Maya Programming: An Extensive Guide to MEL and the C++ API, provides artists and programmers with a deep understanding of the way Maya works and how it can be enhanced and customized through programming. In his new book David offers a gentle, intuitive introduction to the core ideas of computer graphics.

Each concept is explained progressively and is fully implemented in both MEL and C++ so that an artist or programmer can use the source code directly in their own programs. Geometry and modeling are covered in detail with progressively more complex examples demonstrating all of Maya’s possible programming features. David Gould’s first volume is widely regarded as the most authoritative reference on Maya programming. Volume II continues this tradition and provides an unmatched guide for the artist and programmer tackling complex tasks.

  • Covers a spectrum of topics in computer graphics including points and vectors, rotations, transformations, curves and surfaces (polygonal, NURBS, subdivision), and modeling.
  • Offers insights to Maya’s inner workings so that an artist or programmer can design and develop customized tools and solutions.
  • Discusses problem solving with MEL (Maya’s scripting language) and the more powerful and versatile C++ API, with plenty of code examples for each.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Points
Chapter 3. Vectors
Chapter 4. Rotations
Chapter 5. Transformations
Chapter 6. Transform Nodes
Chapter 7. Coordinate Frames
Chapter 8. Polygonal Meshes
Chapter 9. Nurbs
Chapter 10. Subdivision Surfaces
Chapter 11. Contexts (Tools)

Appendix A. Further Learning
Appendix B. Further Reading

Book Details

  • Paperback: 744 pages
  • Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (August 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0120884828
  • ISBN-13: 978-0120884827
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