Monthly Archive: January 2013

Java EE Development with Eclipse 0

Java EE Development with Eclipse

Java EE is the industry standard on enterprise computing and Oracle WebLogic Server is the most comprehensive platform for enterprise applications. The book combines Java EE with WebLogic Server in the most commonly used Java IDE,...

Learning Highcharts 0

Learning Highcharts

Highcharts is a popular web charting software that produces stunning and smooth animated JavaScript and HTML5 SVG graphs. It is among the leading web charting software in the market and has been used in many different...

TeamCity 7 Continous Integration 0

TeamCity 7 Continous Integration

Nowadays, Agile application development is usually done at a fast pace when many developers are working on the same piece of code. Every so often, this becomes a real challenge if there’s no permanent control over...

C# 5 First Look 0

C# 5 First Look

C# is a wonderfully expressive and powerful language that lets you focus on your application rather than low level boilerplate. Over the last decade, the C# compiler has evolved to include many features from dynamic and...

Learning Modernizr 0

Learning Modernizr

Modern web browsers support a whole range of new HTML5 and CSS3 features that make web development fun. But supporting old browsers can make a web developer’s life difficult. With HTML5 Modernizr, you can check for...