Category: Mobile Development

Windows Phone 8 Development Internals 0

Windows Phone 8 Development Internals

Build and optimize Windows Phone 8 apps for performance and security Drill into Windows Phone 8 design and architecture, and learn best practices for building phone apps for consumers and the enterprise. Written by two senior...

50 Android Hacks 0

50 Android Hacks

The best programming techniques are often the shortest and simplest—the hacks. In this compact and infinitely useful book, Android expert Carlos Sessa delivers 50 hacks that will save you time, stretch your skills, and maybe even...

Learn Android App Development 0

Learn Android App Development

Learn Android App Development is a hands-on tutorial and useful reference. You’ll quickly get up to speed and master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps. The Android SDK offers powerful features,...

Objective-C kurz & gut 0

Objective-C kurz & gut

Knapp, übersichtlich und gut: Wer einen kompakten Überblick über die Strukturen und Syntaxelemente von Objective-C sucht, findet in dieser Kurzreferenz alle Features der Sprache zum schnellen Nachschlagen. Das Bändchen eignet sich für alle Programmierer, die bereits...