Category: JavaScript

Learning Highcharts 0

Learning Highcharts

Highcharts is a popular web charting software that produces stunning and smooth animated JavaScript and HTML5 SVG graphs. It is among the leading web charting software in the market and has been used in many different...

JavaScript Enlightenment 0

JavaScript Enlightenment

If you’re an advanced beginner or intermediate JavaScript developer, JavaScript Enlightenment will solidify your understanding of the language—especially if you use a JavaScript library. In this concise book, JavaScript expert Cody Lindley (jQuery Cookbook) provides an...

Node.js for PHP Developers 0

Node.js for PHP Developers

If you’re an experienced PHP developer, you already have a head start on learning how to write Node.js code. In this book, author Daniel Howard demonstrates the remarkable similarities between the two languages, and shows you...

Pro JavaScript Performance 0

Pro JavaScript Performance

Performance is a hugely important area of web development. If your site runs slowly, users are going to leave, and the problem only grows as your site gets more popular. Pro JavaScript Performance gives you the...

KnockoutJS Starter 0

KnockoutJS Starter

Knockout is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model. It’s a JavaScript MVVM library to help you create rich, dynamic user interfaces...

Async JavaScript 0

Async JavaScript

With Async JavaScript, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language. You’ll start with a ground-up primer on the JavaScript event model—key to avoiding many of the most common mistakes JavaScripters make. From there you’ll...