Category: JavaScript

Programming in CoffeeScript 0

Programming in CoffeeScript

Use CoffeeScript to Write Better JavaScript Code Than Ever Before! If you can do it in JavaScript, you can do it better in CoffeeScript. And, since CoffeeScript “compiles down” to JavaScript, your code will fit neatly...

Node Cookbook 0

Node Cookbook

The principles of asynchronous event-driven programming are perfect for today’s web, where efficient real-time applications and scalability are at the forefront. Server-side JavaScript has been here since the 90’s but Node got it right. With a...

WebGL: Beginner’s Guide 0

WebGL: Beginner’s Guide

WebGL is a new web technology that brings hardware-accelerated 3D graphics to the browser without installing additional software. As WebGL is based on OpenGL and brings in a new concept of 3D graphics programming to web...

Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design 0

Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design

It’s time for a current, definitive JavaScript book, and in this comprehensive beginner’s guide, bestselling author Larry Ullman teaches the language as it is implemented today. Larry demonstrates how to build upon JavaScript’s ease of use,...

Getting Started with D3 0

Getting Started with D3

Learn how to create beautiful, interactive, browser-based data visualizations with the D3 JavaScript library. This hands-on book shows you how to use a combination of JavaScript and SVG to build everything from simple bar charts to...

YUI 3 Cookbook 0

YUI 3 Cookbook

Solve a wide range of problems in your web application quickly and efficiently with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). With this definitive, getting-started guide to version 3 of the popular open source JavaScript library, you’ll...

Maintainable JavaScript 0

Maintainable JavaScript

You may have definite ideas about writing code when working alone, but team development requires that everyone use the same approach. With the JavaScript practices in this book—including code style, programming tips, and automation—you’ll learn how...

Node: Up and Running 0

Node: Up and Running

This book introduces you to Node, the new web development framework written in JavaScript. You’ll learn hands-on how Node makes life easier for experienced JavaScript developers: not only can you work on the front end and...