Using NOOKcolor and NOOK
Make the most of your new B&N NOOKcolor or NOOK ebook reader! Read books, play media, get free content, uncover powerful, little-known features you’ll love!
Do all this, and much more…
- Find and read free books on your NOOKcolor or NOOK
- Use B&N’s unique LendMe feature to lend and borrow books
- Play music, audiobooks, podcasts, even video
- Automatically download full-color book covers
- Use your NOOKcolor or NOOK to browse the web
- Add highlights and bookmarks
- Read B&N ebooks on your iPhone, iPad, computer, Android phone, or Blackberry
- Add third-party apps that make your NOOK even more powerful
- Set up your own color wallpaper or screensaver
- Even publish your own ebooks with B&N PubIt
Table of Contents
Part I, “NOOKcolor”
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Your NOOKcolor
Chapter 2: Customizing and Configuring Your NOOKcolor
Chapter 3: Reading on Your NOOKcolor and Beyond
Chapter 4: Lending and Borrowing Books with LendMe on Your NOOKcolor
Chapter 6: Playing Music, Audiobooks, Podcasts, and Videos
Chapter 7: Using NOOKextras and Surfing the Web
Chapter 8: Using the Social Features of Your NOOKcolor
Chapter 9: Shopping and Visiting B&N on Your NOOKcolor
Part II, “NOOK”
Chapter 10: Getting Started with Your NOOK
Chapter 11: Customizing and Configuring Your NOOK
Chapter 12: Reading on Your NOOK and Beyond
Chapter 13: Lending and Borrowing Books on Your NOOK Using LendMe
Chapter 14: Using Highlights, Bookmarks, and Annotations
Chapter 15: Playing Music, Audiobooks, and Podcasts
Chapter 16: Shopping and Visiting B&N on Your NOOK
Chapter 17: Browsing the Web on Your NOOK
Chapter 18: Rooting Your NOOK
Part III, “Beyond the NOOKs”
Chapter 19: Reading Beyond Your NOOK
Chapter 20: Managing Your ebooks with Calibre
Chapter 21: Using My NOOK Library
Chapter 22: Using PubIt to Sell Your ebooks
Appendix A: Understanding ebook Formats
Appendix B: Sources for ebooks Other than B&N
Appendix C: Sideloading Adobe Digital Editions
Appendix D: Using Picasa to Create Wallpapers and Screensavers
Appendix E: Can I Read This Here?
Appendix F: Frequently Asked Questions
Book Details
- Hardcover: 336 pages
- Publisher: Que (January 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0789741091
- ISBN-13: 978-0789741097