The RSpec Book

Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) gives you the best of Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design, and Acceptance Test Driven Planning techniques, so you can create better software with self-documenting, executable tests that bring users and developers together with a common language.

Get the most out of BDD in Ruby with The RSpec Book, written by the lead developer of RSpec, David Chelimsky.

You’ll get started right away with RSpec 2 and Cucumber by developing a simple game, using Cucumber to express high-level requirements in language your customer understands, and RSpec to express more granular requirements that focus on the behavior of individual objects in the system. You’ll learn how to use test doubles (mocks and stubs) to control the environment and focus the RSpec examples on one object at a time, and how to customize RSpec to “speak” in the language of your domain.

You’ll develop Rails 3 applications and use companion tools such as Webrat and Selenium to express requirements for web applications both in memory and in the browser. And you’ll learn to specify Rails views, controllers, and models, each in complete isolation from the other.

Whether you’re developing applications, frameworks, or the libraries that power them, The RSpec Book will help you write better code, better tests, and deliver better software to happier users.

Table of Contents
Part I: Getting Started with RSpec and Cucumber
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Hello
Chapter 3. Describing Features
Chapter 4. Automating Features with Cucumber
Chapter 5. Describing Code with RSpec
Chapter 6. Adding New Features
Chapter 7. Specifying an Algorithm
Chapter 8. Refactoring with Confidence
Chapter 9. Feeding Back What We’ve Learned

Part II: Behaviour-Driven Development
Chapter 10. The Case for BDD
Chapter 11. Writing Software That Matters

Part III: RSpec
Chapter 12. Code Examples
Chapter 13. RSpec::Expectations
Chapter 14. RSpec::Mocks
Chapter 15. Tools and Integration
Chapter 16. Extending RSpec

Part IV: Cucumber
Chapter 17. Intro to Cucumber
Chapter 18. Cucumber Detail

Part V: Behaviour-Driven Rails
Chapter 19. BDD in Rails
Chapter 20. Cucumber with Rails
Chapter 21. Simulating the Browser with Webrat
Chapter 22. Automating the Browser with Webrat and Selenium
Chapter 23. Rails Views
Chapter 24. Rails Controllers
Chapter 25. Rails Models

Book Details

  • Paperback: 448 pages
  • Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf (December 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1934356379
  • ISBN-13: 978-1934356371
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