Combinatorial Algorithms

This book constitutes the thoroughly referred post-proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, IWOCA 2010, held in London, UK, in July 2010.
The 31 revised full papers presented together with extended abstracts of 8 poster presentations were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 85 submissions. A broad variety of combinatorial graph algorithms for the computations of various graph features are presented; also algorithms for network compuation, approximation, computational geometry, games, and search are presented and complexity aspects of such algorithms are discussed.

This volume contains the papers presented at IWOCA 2010: The 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. The 21st IWOCA was held in the Great Hall of the Strand Campus, King’s College London (KCL), July 26–28, 2010. The meeting was sponsored and supported financially by KCL and the London Mathematical Society; it was hosted by the Algorithm Design Group in the KCL Department of Informatics. The local Organizing Committee, co-chaired by Tomasz Radzik and German Tischler, did an outstanding job; the Program Committee was co-chaired by Costas Iliopoulos and Bill Smyth.

The EasyChair system was used to facilitate management of submissions and refereeing, with three referees selected from the Program Committee assigned to each paper. Out of 85 contributed papers, a total of 31 were accepted, subject to revision, for presentation at the workshop and publication in the LNCS proceedings. An additional 13 papers were accepted for poster presentation, of which eight are included as four-page papers in the proceedings. Authors and titles of all 44 accepted papers are available at the IWOCA 2010 website. The workshop also featured a problem session, organized by Joe Ryan, and four invited talks by Alan Frieze, Gregory Kucherov, Mirka Miller, and Dorothea Wagner.

The number of participants in IWOCA 2010 more than doubled the number of speakers: altogether 75 researchers attended, affiliated to institutions in 20 different countries on five continents.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 429 pages
  • Publisher: Springer (April, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3642192211
  • ISBN-13: 978-3642192210
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