Monthly Archive: January 2014

Developing Android on Android 0

Developing Android on Android

Take charge of your Android phone or tablet by creating your own programs and scripts to make your device work for you. Developing Android on Android will teach you how to use the latest cutting-edge technologies...

The Dream Team Nightmare 0

The Dream Team Nightmare

This first-ever interactive Agile Adventure is the gripping tale of an experienced team struggling with agile adoption. In this unique mashup of a business novel written in the gamebook format, you’ll overcome common yet daunting challenges...

Mastering Apple Aperture 0

Mastering Apple Aperture

Apple Aperture is one of the leading photo editing software packages available in today’s market. It provides you with all the tools to organize, browse, and perfect your images, so you can make every shot your...

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with Hadoop 0

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with Hadoop

With the explosion of data, the open source Apache Hadoop ecosystem is gaining traction, thanks to its huge ecosystem that has arisen around the core functionalities of its distributed file system (HDFS) and Map Reduce. As...

Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr 0

Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr

As data grows exponentially day-by-day, extracting information becomes a tedious activity in itself. Technologies like Hadoop are trying to address some of the concerns, while Solr provides high-speed faceted search. Bringing these two technologies together is...