125 Search results

For the term "Objective-C".
iOS Development using MonoTouch Cookbook 0

iOS Development using MonoTouch Cookbook

MonoTouch brings the amazing revenue opportunities of Apple’s billion dollar app store to C# and .NET developers. This cookbook leaves no stone unturned, providing you with practical recipes covering user interfaces, data management, multimedia , web...

Developing Enterprise iOS Applications 0

Developing Enterprise iOS Applications

If you plan to develop iOS applications in a corporate setting—for internal consumption or for sale to end users—you need to read this book. Veteran developer James Turner shares best practices and lessons learned from his...

iPhone Applications Tune-Up 0

iPhone Applications Tune-Up

The best iPhone applications are the ones that demonstrate smooth, fast, efficient and optimal performance. An application should be designed to run at 200 mph, but operate just as smoothly as it would at 5 mph....