Category: Java

Java Web Services: Up and Running, 2nd Edition 0

Java Web Services: Up and Running, 2nd Edition

Learn how to develop REST-style and SOAP-based web services and clients with this quick and thorough introduction. This hands-on book delivers a clear, pragmatic approach to web services by providing an architectural overview, complete working code...

Effective Akka 0

Effective Akka

Avoid common mistakes when building distributed, asynchronous, high-performance software with the Akka toolkit and runtime. With this concise guide, author Jamie Allen provides a collection of best practices based on several years of using the actor...

Java EE 7 Essentials 0

Java EE 7 Essentials

Get up to speed on the principal technologies in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7, and learn how the latest version embraces HTML5, focuses on higher productivity, and provides functionality to meet enterprise demands. Written by...

Arquillian Testing Guide 0

Arquillian Testing Guide

Integration testing sometimes involves writing complex codes. This book introduces you to the capabilities of Arquillian to enable you to write simple code with a broad range of integration tests for java applications. Arquillian Testing Guide...

Learning Play! Framework 2 0

Learning Play! Framework 2

The Learning Play! Framework 2 has been created for web developers that are building web applications. The core idea is to focus on the HTTP features and to enable them through a simplification lens. Building a...

Hibernate Search by Example 0

Hibernate Search by Example

Users expect software to be highly intelligent when searching data. Searches should span across multiple data points at once, and be able to spot patterns and groupings in the results found. Searches should be able to...

Programming Groovy 2 0

Programming Groovy 2

Groovy brings you the best of both worlds: a flexible, highly productive, agile, dynamic language that runs on the rich framework of the Java Platform. Groovy preserves the Java semantics and extends the JDK to give...

Beginning Java EE 7 0

Beginning Java EE 7

Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) continues to be one of the leading Java technologies and platforms. Beginning Java EE 7 is the first tutorial book on Java EE 7. Step by step and easy to follow, this book...

Pro Hibernate and MongoDB 0

Pro Hibernate and MongoDB

Hibernate and MongoDB are a powerful combination of open source persistence and NoSQL technologies for today’s Java-based enterprise and cloud application developers. Hibernate is the leading open source Java-based persistence, object relational management engine, recently repositioned as...

Introducing Java EE 7 0

Introducing Java EE 7

Introducing Java EE 7:  A Look at What’s New guides you through the new features and enhancements in each of the technologies comprising the Java EE platform.  Readers of this book will not have to wade...