WordPress: The Missing Manual
Whether you’re a budding blogger or web development professional, WordPress is a brilliant tool for creating websites—if you know how to tap its impressive features. This jargon-free Missing Manual shows you how to use WordPress and its themes, plug-ins, and widgets to build just about any website you can imagine, from a classy blog to a basic e-commerce site.
The important stuff you need to know:
- Create a blog. Get a free WordPress.com account, choose the right theme, and start publishing content.
- Build a website. Produce a professional-looking business site by customizing a WordPress theme.
- Add features. Choose from thousands of WordPress widgets and plug-ins to extend your site’s features.
- Mix in multimedia. Include slideshows, video clips, webcasts, podcasts, and music players.
- Involve your readers. Let readers leave comments, contribute to your site, and carry on a dialog.
- Build an audience. Learn search-engine optimization, measure your reader’s favorite pages, and publicize your site.
- Create a community. Use social media tools such as “Like” and sharing buttons, and provide RSS feeds of your posts.
Table of Contents
Part I: Starting Out with WordPress
Chapter 1. The WordPress Landscape
Chapter 2. Signing Up with WordPress.com
Chapter 3. Installing WordPress on Your Web Host
Part II: Building a WordPress Blog
Chapter 4. Creating Posts
Chapter 5. Choosing and Polishing Your WordPress Theme
Chapter 6. Jazzing Up Your Posts
Chapter 7. Adding Pages and Menus
Chapter 8. Comments: Letting Your Readers Talk Back
Part III: Supercharging Your Blog
Chapter 9. Getting New Features with Plug-Ins
Chapter 10. Adding Picture Galleries, Video, and Music
Chapter 11. Collaborating with Multiple Authors
Chapter 12. Attracting a Crowd
Part IV: From Blog to Website
Chapter 13. Editing Themes: The Key to Customizing Your Site
Chapter 14. Building an Advanced WordPress Site
Part V: Appendixes
Appendix A. Migrating from WordPress.com
Appendix B. Useful Websites
Book Details
- Paperback: 558 pages
- Publisher: O’Reilly Media / Pogue Press (October 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1449309844
- ISBN-13: 978-1449309848