The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development, Version 3.6

Android, the next-generation open mobile platform from Google and the Open Handset Alliance, is poised to become a significant player in the mobile device market. The Android platform gives developers a fair bit of control while still supporting a familiar programming language. However, the frameworks, GUI widgets, and development model is different than any other mobile platform out there. That’s where this book comes in.

Spanning 466 pages, The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development covers a wide range of Android capabilities and APIs, from creating simple user interfaces, to supporting long-running background processes, through the advanced location tracking and mapping features. Along the way, it covers how to embed the WebKit Web browser in your application, how to have your application use data from other installed applications (and vice versa!) or off the Internet, and how to integrate with the built-in on-device search engine. It will help you more quickly climb the Android learning curve, so you can create the “killer app” you’ve dreamed of…or perhaps just a quick-and-dirty application for you and your friends.

Table of Contents

  1. The Big Picture
  2. How To Get Started
  3. Your First Android Project
  4. Examining Your First Project
  5. A Bit About Eclipse
  6. Enhancing Your First Project
  7. Rewriting Your First Project
  8. Using XML-Based Layouts
  9. Employing Basic Widgets
  10. Working with Containers
  11. The Input Method Framework
  12. Using Selection Widgets
  13. Getting Fancy with Lists
  14. Still More Widgets and Containers
  15. Embedding the WebKit Browser
  16. Applying Menus
  17. Showing Pop-Up Messages
  18. Handling Activity Lifecycle Events
  19. Handling Rotation
  20. Dealing with Threads
  21. Creating Intent Filters
  22. Launching Activities and Sub-Activities
  23. Working with Resources
  24. Defining and Using Styles
  25. Handling Multiple Screen Sizes
  26. Introducing the Honeycomb UI
  27. Using the Action Bar
  28. Fragments
  29. Handling Platform Changes
  30. Accessing Files
  31. Using Preferences
  32. Managing and Accessing Local Databases
  33. Leveraging Java Libraries
  34. Communicating via the Internet
  35. Services: The Theory
  36. Basic Service Patterns
  37. Alerting Users Via Notifications
  38. Requesting and Requiring Permissions
  39. Accessing Location-Based Services
  40. Mapping with MapView and MapActivity
  41. Handling Telephone Calls
  42. Fonts
  43. Development Tools
  44. The Role of Alternative Environments
  45. HTML5
  46. PhoneGap
  47. Other Alternative Environments
  48. Dealing with Devices
  49. Where Do We Go From Here?

Book Details

  • Paperback: 727 pages
  • Publisher: CommonsWare, LLC (March, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0981678009
  • ISBN-13: 978-0981678009
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  1. aduket says:

    wow, impressive!

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