Pro SharePoint 2010 Disaster Recovery and High Availability

Few IT professionals take the time to learn what needs to be known to do disaster recovery well. Most labor under the pretense that good administration equals close to five-nines uptime. Most technical people do not see the value of planning for disasters until the unexpected has already happened, and the effects of a disaster involving a SharePoint farm—which today houses business information, line-of-business applications, sensitive information, extranets, and other highly important assets—can be staggering.

Pro SharePoint 2010 Disaster Recovery and High Availability will take you through a step-by-step process to show how to build an awareness and reaction plan for the inevitable. With a focus on real-world experiences and war stories, author Stephen Cummins weaves an expert tale of woe response and offers you:

  • Ways to see the warning signs of disaster, and ways to avoid it
  • Ways to respond to a disaster while it is happening
  • Perhaps most importantly, how to develop a plan to deal with disaster when it inevitably does happen

What you’ll learn
With Pro SharePoint 2010 Disaster Recovery and High Availability, learn and discover:

  • How to build resilience and high availability into your systems to make them less likely to fail
  • How to use technologies like log shipping, clustering and mirroring to replicate data
  • How to use redundancy of web front-ends, service applications and other parts of your SharePoint farm to prevent failure
  • How companies that realize the cost of disasters create processes to prevent them by tracking and responding to “near-misses”
  • How to implement the right monitoring tools to ensure you are alerted to impending problems as soon as possible
  • How to diagnose and repair broken systems, and develop processes to ensure you have backups and a place to restore them to if all else fails

Who this book is for
If you worry about what would happen to your organization if what is in your SharePoint farm was lost, this book is for you. It is a technical book, but parts of it are about the principles of good planning. Other parts are stories of how things have gone wrong (and right) in the field—all of which should be instructive and entertaining for anyone who relies on any technology a great deal in their daily life.

Table of Contents

  1. Steering Away from Disaster
  2. Planning Your Plan
  3. Processes and Procedures
  4. High Availability and Resilience
  5. Quality of Service
  6. Back Up a Step
  7. Monitoring and Alerts
  8. DIY Disaster Recovery
  9. Change Management and Disaster Recovery
  10. Disaster Recovery and the Cloud
  11. Best Practices and Worst Practices
  12. Final Conclusions

Book Details

  • Paperback: 276 pages
  • Publisher: Apress (December 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430239514
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430239512
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