MooTools 1.3 Cookbook
MooTools is a JavaScript framework that abstracts the JavaScript language. JavaScript itself, complex in syntax, provides the tools to write a layer of content interaction for each different browser. MooTools abstracts those individual, browser-specific layers to allow cross-browser scripting in an easy-to-read and easy-to-remember syntax.
Animation and interaction, once the domain of Flash, are being taken by storm by the MooTools JavaScript framework, which can cause size, shape, color, and opacity to transition smoothly. Discover how to use AJAX to bring data to today’s web page users who demand interactivity without clunky page refreshes. When searching for animation and interactivity solutions that work, MooTools 1.3 Cookbook has individual, reusable code examples that get you running fast!
MooTools 1.3 Cookbook readies programmers to animate, perform AJAX, and attach event listeners in a simple format where each section provides a clear and cross-browser compatible sketch of how to solve a problem, whether reading from beginning to finish or browsing directly to a particular recipe solution.
MooTools 1.3 Cookbook provides instant solutions to MooTools problems – whatever you want to do with MooTools, this book will tell you how to do it.
MooTools 1.3 Cookbook is presented in a progressive order that builds concepts and ideas, while simultaneously being a collection of powerful individual, standalone, recipe solutions.
What you will learn from this book:
- Change HTML with working examples of finding, moving, adding, and removing elements and groups of elements
- Create HTML elements like iframes, a tags, and form elements and inject them into tables, table rows, and div elements
- Animate the Internet with morphs, tweens, slides, and scrolls
- Make thumbnails scroll and your users drool!
- Fire remote AJAX calls, on page, bringing them into the Web 2.0 arena where user interfaces are cool and fun
- Find plugins on the Web that extend MooTools and make the most of everything the open-source community has to offer
- Zebra stripe a table, spin an AJAX notification, create sliding volume meters, open a menu accordion style, and more
This is a cookbook full of recipes with the essential code explained clearly and comprehensively. The recipes are organized so well that you will have no problems in using this cookbook as a reference too.
Who this book is written for
Users of all skill levels will find this book useful. Advanced users will expand their knowledge of MooTools interaction, intermediate users will delve into new concepts of usage. Novice users will find they are carefully taken through each facet of knowledge necessary to rapidly become intermediate users.
Oh man, I love you!
He writes a MooTools cookbook, but doesn’t use the MooTools code style.
He uses the XHTML doctype, instead of a HTML5 doctype.
He uses document.write.
He doesn’t even use ‘ or ” consistently.
His whitespace usage/indentation isn’t consistent.
He creates global variables out the .
He has broken examples (var oldies =…; obamas_oldies.each(…);}.
He randomly sometimes decides to save references to found elements, in other places doesn’t.
He uses an Element’s onclick attribute, rather than the addEvent function to add handlers.
He uses setTimeout(fn), rather than the moo-style fn.delay().
And that’s from just scanning the excerpt posted on, as an excerpt like that is meant to enthuse people about the book, I presume it’s one of the better parts of the book.
A cookbook is supposed to be a bunch of recipes, easy to use, good to use, for people to learn from. Judging the excerpt, this book is giving bad examples regardless of the reader’s level, from style to content to quality, I don’t think it’s anywhere close to MooTools standards.
After taking a quick look at the author’s website, and looking at his MooTools examples there, I am rather convinced that his knowledge of MooTools and javascript is quite limited, and that the rest of the book can’t be very different from the excerpt on!/cpojer/status/106872348703076352