Android Wireless Application Development, 2nd Edition

Android™ Wireless Application Development Second Edition

The start-to-finish guide to Android application development: massively updated for the newest SDKs and developer techniques!

This book delivers all the up-to-date information, tested code, and best practices you need to create and market successful mobile apps with the latest versions of Android. Drawing on their extensive experience with mobile and wireless development, Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder cover every step: concept, design, coding, testing, packaging, and delivery. The authors introduce the Android platform, explain the principles of effective Android application design, and present today’s best practices for crafting effective user interfaces. Next, they offer detailed coverage of each key Android API, including data storage, networking, telephony, location-based services, multimedia, 3D graphics, and hardware.

Every chapter of this edition has been updated for the newest Android SDKs, tools, utilities, and hardware. All sample code has been overhauled and tested on leading devices from multiple companies, including HTC, Motorola, and ARCHOS. Many new examples have been added, including complete new applications. This new edition also adds

  • Nine new chapters covering web APIs, the Android NDK, extending application reach, managing users, data synchronization, backups, advanced user input, and more
  • Greatly expanded coverage of Android manifest files, content providers, app design, and testing
  • New coverage of hot topics like Bluetooth, gestures, voice recognition, App Widgets, live folders, live wallpapers, and global search
  • Updated 3D graphics programming coverage reflecting OpenGL ES 2.0
  • An all-new chapter on tackling cross-device compatibility issues, from designing for the smallest phones to the big new tablets hitting the market
  • Even more tips and tricks to help you design, develop, and test applications for different devices
  • A new appendix full of Eclipse tips and tricks

This book is an indispensable resource for every member of the Android development team: software developers with all levels of mobile experience, team leaders and project managers, testers and QA specialists, software architects, and even marketers.

From the Back Cover
Android Wireless Application Development combines all the reliable information, sample code, and best practices you need to build, distribute, and market successful Android mobile applications. Drawing on their extensive experience with mobile and wireless development, Shane Conder and Lauren Darcey cover everything you need to execute a successful Android project: from concept and design through coding, testing, packaging, and delivery.

Conder and Darcey explain how mobile development differs from conventional development, how Android differs from other mobile platforms, and how to take full advantage of Android’s unique features and capabilities. They present detailed, code-rich coverage of Android’s most important APIs, expert techniques for organizing development teams and managing Android projects, and dozens of time-saving tricks and pitfalls to avoid.

  • Master the latest Android development tools and Android SDK 1.5
  • Use the Eclipse Development Environment for Java to develop and debug Android applications
  • Design Android applications that are more efficient, reliable, and easier to use and offer better performance
  • Work with Android’s optional hardware-specific APIs
  • Use Android’s APIs for data, storage, networking, telephony, Location-Based Services (LBS), multimedia, and 3D graphics
  • Leverage advanced Android capabilities such as Notifications and Services
  • Ensure quality through solid test planning, efficient testing, and comprehensive defect tracking
  • Make more money from your Android applications

This book is an indispensable resource for every member of the Android development team: software developers with all levels of mobile experience, team leaders and project managers, testers and QA specialists, software architects, and even marketers.

Shane Conder is an experienced developer who has specialized in mobile and embedded development for over a decade. He has designed and developed many commercial applications for BREW, J2ME, Palm, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, iPhone, and Android and has written extensively about the mobile industry and mobile development platforms. Lauren Darcey is the CEO of a small software company specializing in mobile technologies. With almost two decades of experience in professional software production, Darcey is a recognized authority in enterprise architecture and the development of commercial grade mobile applications.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 792 pages
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (December, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321743016
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321743015
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