Monthly Archive: March 2012

C++ Concurrency in Action 0

C++ Concurrency in Action

C++ Concurrency in Action is a reference and guide to the new C++ 11 Standard for experienced C++ programmers as well as those who have never written multithreaded code. This book will show you how to...

SharePoint 2010 Site Owner’s Manual 0

SharePoint 2010 Site Owner’s Manual

SharePoint 2010 Site Owner’s Manual teaches you what SharePoint 2010 is all about and how to get started using it. The book also includes step-by-step instructions for implementing real-world scenarios. You will learn how to build...

Hello! Python 0

Hello! Python

Hello! Python fully covers the building blocks of Python programming and gives you a gentle introduction to more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming, functional programming, network programming, and program design. New (or nearly new) programmers...

Programming Your Home 0

Programming Your Home

In Programming Your Home, technology enthusiast Mike Riley walks you through a variety of custom home automation projects, ranging from a phone application that alerts you to package deliveries at your front door to an electronic...