Category: Web Development

Node Security 0

Node Security

Node.js is a fast-growing platform for building server applications using JavaScript. Now that it is being more widely used in production settings, Node applications will start to be specifically targeted for security vulnerabilities. Protecting your users...

Learning Devise for Rails 0

Learning Devise for Rails

There are numerous ways of implementing user sign-ins on your Rails web applications. Of those different ways, using Devise is one of the most popular, quick and flexible way to get user sign-ins working. It is...

Mastering ElasticSearch 0

Mastering ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is fast, distributed, scalable, and written in the Java search engine that leverages Apache Lucene capabilities providing a new level of control over how you index and search even the largest set of data. “Mastering...

RESS Essentials 0

RESS Essentials

RESS is a new methodology in the world of web design and development. It attempts to solve the problems that accompany the RWD (responsive web design) approach to web design. RESS is still in its infancy,...

JavaScript and JSON Essentials 0

JavaScript and JSON Essentials

The exchange of data over the Internet has been carried out since its inception. Delimiter-separated lists such as CSV and tag-separated languages such as XML are very popular, yet they are considered to be verbose by...