Monthly Archive: December 2012

Lawyers at Work 0

Lawyers at Work

Lawyers at Work reveals what it means and what it takes to be a satisfied, sane, and successful lawyer in today’s tough legal marketplace. Through incisive in-depth interviews, a top legal headhunter gives the 3rd degree to...

Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment 0

Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment

C++’s flexibility, modelling power, support for object-oriented and generic programming, and extensive tool set, make it attractive for embedded projects, but some developers worry about code bloat and hidden performance penalties. This seminar begins by confronting...

Monadic Design Patterns for the Web 0

Monadic Design Patterns for the Web

Complexity management is a major issue facing the professional programmer today. A programmer building an Internet-based application interacts with, on average, no less than a dozen technologies. These applications need nearly continuous operation: 24-7 availability in...

Actors in Scala 0

Actors in Scala

Recent trends in computer architecture make concurrency and parallelism an essential ingredient of efficient program execution. The actor model of concurrency allows you to express real-world concurrency in a natural way using concurrent processes that communicate...

Ext.NET Web Application Development 0

Ext.NET Web Application Development

To build a rich internet application, you need to integrate a powerful client side JavaScript framework with a server side framework. Ext.NET achieves this by integrating Sencha’s Ext JS framework with the power of ASP.NET. The...

VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials 0

VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials

VMware ThinApp 4.7 is an application virtualization and portable application creator which allows users to package conventional applications so that they are portable. “VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials” shows you how to deploy ThinApp packages in order...