RabbitMQ in Action

RabbitMQ in Action is a fast-paced run through building and managing scalable applications using the RabbitMQ messaging server. It starts by explaining how message queuing works, its history, and how RabbitMQ fits in. Then it shows you real-world examples you can apply to your own scalability and interoperability challenges.

There’s a virtual switchboard at the core of most large applications where messages race between servers, programs, and services. RabbitMQ is an efficient and easy-to-deploy queue that handles this message traffic effortlessly in all situations, from web startups to massive enterprise systems.

RabbitMQ in Action teaches you to build and manage scalable applications in multiple languages using the RabbitMQ messaging server. It’s a snap to get started. You’ll learn how message queuing works and how RabbitMQ fits in. Then, you’ll explore practical scalability and interoperability issues through many examples. By the end, you’ll know how to make Rabbit run like a well-oiled machine in a 24 x 7 x 365 environment.

Written for developers familiar with Python, PHP, Java, .NET, or any other modern programming language. No RabbitMQ experience required.

What’s Inside

  • Learn fundamental messaging design patterns
  • Use patterns for on-demand scalability
  • Glue a PHP frontend to a backend written in anything
  • Implement a PubSub-alerting service in 30 minutes flat
  • Configure RabbitMQ’s built-in clustering
  • Monitor, manage, extend, and tune RabbitMQ

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Pulling RabbitMQ out of the hat
Chapter 2. Understanding messaging
Chapter 3. Running and administering Rabbit
Chapter 4. Solving problems with Rabbit: coding and patterns
Chapter 5. Clustering and dealing with failure
Chapter 6. Writing code that survives failure
Chapter 7. Warrens and Shovels: failover and replication
Chapter 8. Administering RabbitMQ from the Web
Chapter 9. Controlling Rabbit with the REST API
Chapter 10. Monitoring: Houston, we have a problem
Chapter 11. Supercharging and securing your Rabbit
Chapter 12. Smart Rabbits: extending RabbitMQ

Appendix A. Using Rabbit from Java and .NET
Appendix B. Online resources

Book Details

  • Paperback: 312 pages
  • Publisher: Manning Publications (April 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1935182978
  • ISBN-13: 978-1935182979
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