Waves Plug-Ins Workshop

The importance of plug-ins for adding and enhancing application functionality cannot be denied; they are present in every current Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) application today, giving them the power and functionality that they have today. However, they vary greatly, as they are often designed to address very specific market needs, and as a result, it is more important than ever before to have a solid knowledge of how plug-ins work. WAVES PLUG-INS WORKSHOP: MIXING BY THE BUNDLE introduces readers to a variety of valuable Waves plug-ins used in mixing. Each chapter presents them with the plug-ins in a specific bundle, detailing how they would be used in a mix. Beginning with the least expensive Waves bundle and building up to their most complete bundle, readers will build upon their knowledge with each successive chapter. Audio files and plug-in presets will be provided for download so they can literally hear the power of these tools. Whether seeking an understanding of what some of the bundles out there today can do, or looking for new ways to use the plug-ins they already have, readers will find this an invaluable addition to their libraries.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Waves Plug-Ins
Chapter 2. The Musicians 2 Bundle
Chapter 3. The Silver Bundle
Chapter 4. The Gold Bundle
Chapter 5. The Platinum Bundle
Chapter 6. The Diamond Bundle
Chapter 7. The Horizon Bundle
Chapter 8. The Mercury Bundle

Book Details

  • Paperback: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Course Technology PTR (February 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9781435457461
  • ISBN-13: 978-1435457461
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