The iOS 5 Developer’s Cookbook, 3rd Edition

In this book, bestselling author and iOS development guru Erica Sadun brings together all the information you need to quickly start building successful iOS apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Sadun has thoroughly revised this book to focus on powerful new iOS 5 features, the latest version of Objective-C, and the Xcode 4 development tools.

The iOS 5 Developer’s Cookbook, Third Edition is packed with ready-made code solutions for the iOS 5 development challenges you’re most likely to face, eliminating trial-and-error and helping you build reliable apps from the very beginning. Sadun teaches each new concept and technique through robust code that is easy to reuse and extend. This isn’t just cut-and-paste: Using her examples, Sadun fully explains both the “how” and “why” of effective iOS 5 development.

Sadun’s tested recipes address virtually every major area of iOS development, from user interface design to view controllers, gestures and touch, to networking and security. Every chapter groups related tasks together, so you can jump straight to your solution, without having to identify the right class or framework first. Coverage includes:

  • Mastering the iOS 5 SDK, Objective-C essentials, and the iOS development lifecycle
  • Designing and customizing interfaces with Interface Builder and Objective-C
  • Organizing apps with view controllers, views, and animations featuring the latest Page View controllers and custom containers
  • Making the most of touch and gestures—including custom gesture recognizers
  • Building and using controls from the ground up
  • Working with Core Image and Core Text
  • Implementing fully featured Table View edits, reordering, and custom cells
  • Creating managed database stores; then adding, deleting, querying, and displaying data
  • Alerting users with dialogs, progress bars, local and push notifications, popovers, and pings
  • Requesting and using feedback
  • Connecting to networks and services, handling authentication, and managing downloads
  • Deploying apps to devices, testers, and the App Store

Table of Contents

  1. Introducing the iOS SDK
  2. Objective-C Boot Camp
  3. Building Your First Project
  4. Designing Interfaces
  5. Working with View Controllers
  6. Assembling Views and Animations
  7. Working with Images
  8. Gestures and Touches
  9. Building and Using Controls
  10. Working with Text
  11. Creating and Managing Table Views
  12. A Taste of Core Data
  13. Alerting the User
  14. Device Capabilities
  15. Networking

Book Details

  • Paperback: 840 pages
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd Edition (January 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321832078
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321832078
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