Now You’re Thinking!
Want to improve? Want to change? Start inside your own head: You are what you think! Now You’re Thinking will help you build your great life by teaching you breakthrough techniques for thinking far more effectively. Whether you’re considering refinancing your house or trying to become a better parent, some thinking processes are simply proven to work better. Learn them here–right now. Discover how to assess your own thinking style, build on your strengths, fix your weaknesses, navigate tough challenges and moral dilemmas… gain new perspective… think your way to balance and security… survive the career game of “ladders and slides”… master strategic thinking, in business, and in life!
From the Back Cover
Henry Ford was right: “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.”
“Your mind is your most powerful tool. This book can help you chart a course for sharpening your critical thinking skills so you can make better decisions in all areas of life.”
–Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind
“While writing The Speed of Trust it became clear to us that people would not trust others to lead them if they did not trust their thinking. If you read and apply the principles in this book, people will come to see you as a leader.”
–Stephen M. R. Covey, author of The New York Times and # 1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Speed of Trust
“A big part of being a leader is making decisions–but how often do we stop and think about our own decision-making processes?… The authors illustrate a five-step model we can all use to more effectively process our own thoughts toward successful decisions.”
–Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager and Full Steam Ahead!
“If you are striving to be better, faster, and different in life, to have more fulfillment and success, you need this book. A great primer to increase and enhance your thinking skills and processes.”
–Harry Paul, coauthor of FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results
Living the good life and want to make it great? Desperate to give your career an “extreme makeover”? Either way, the changes you want start inside your own head, with the way you think.
This book is the blueprint you need to build greater success by teaching you breakthrough techniques for thinking far more effectively. That’s the secret of making better decisions: whether you’re working toward a promotion or considering refinancing your house. Some thinking processes simply work better than others, and this book teaches you the ones that are proven to work best.
The authors start with the extraordinary true story of Amenah, just two years old, dying in an Iraqi village and in desperate need of complicated open-heart surgery unavailable in her own country. The authors reveal the extraordinary thinking and courage that saved her life and show how you can use the same approaches to transform every aspect of yours.
Book Details
- Hardcover: 176 pages
- Publisher: FT Press (June 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0132690136
- ISBN-13: 978-0132690133