Advanced Color Image Processing and Analysis
This volume does much more than survey modern advanced color processing. Starting with a historical perspective on ways we have classified color, it sets out the latest numerical techniques for analyzing and processing colors, the leading edge in our search to accurately record and print what we see. The human eye perceives only a fraction of available light wavelengths, yet we live in a multicolor world of myriad shining hues. Colors rich in metaphorical associations make us “purple with rage” or “green with envy” and cause us to “see red.” Defining colors has been the work of centuries, culminating in today’s complex mathematical coding that nonetheless remains a work in progress: only recently have we possessed the computing capacity to process the algebraic matrices that reproduce color more accurately. With chapters on dihedral color and image spectrometers, this book provides technicians and researchers with the knowledge they need to grasp the intricacies of today’s color imaging.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Color
Chapter 2. CIECAM02 and its Recent Developments
Chapter 3. Color Difference Evaluation
Chapter 4. Cross media Color Reproduction and Display Characterization
Chapter 5. Diherdral Color Filtering
Chapter 6. Color Representation and Processes with Clifford Algebra
Chapter 7. Image Super resolution: A State of the Art Review and Evaluation
Chapter 8. Color Image Segmentation
Chapter 9. Parametric Stochastic Modeling for Color Image Segmentation and Texture Characterization
Chapter 10. Color Invariants for Object Recognition
Chapter 11. Motion Estimation in Color Image Sequences
Chapter 12. Protection of Color Images by Selective Encryption
Chapter 13. Quality Assessment of Still Images
Chapter 14. Image Spectrometers, Color High Fidelity and Fine art Paintings
Chapter 15. Application of Spectral Imaging to Electronic Endoscopes
Book Details
- Hardcover: 523 pages
- Publisher: Springer (July 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1441961895
- ISBN-13: 978-1441961891